
September 9, 2008

Barack Fights Today

When Palin says McCain is the only one who fought for us, she is discrediting all the people who fight against injustice and for equality, women's rights, voting rights, health rights, workers rights, rights for the poor, children's rights, veterans rights----community organizers. These type of people also fight for america, that she may be true to the promise laid out within her documents.

The Republicans are just flat out liars and have an us against them mentality, thats not change we can believe in. They exploit the ignorance of the american public and unfortunately there are many Americans who find their type of politics appealing. The good thing is their numbers are shrinking, McCain is banking that they are still the majority out there, November 4, will be a shock for him. 

The country wants to move forward, we want policies that are fair to majority of Americans, we want quality education, affordable healthcare, we also want to heal and become a community. We are tired of divisive politics and John McCain is out of touch if he still believes that will work.

Obama has been fighting for us, he became our voice. People think we follow Obama like sheep, what they dont know is Obama is just the vessel, we were already out there. He, however heard our voices, and it resonated with his, and that's how we became one. He stood up to Washington when no one else would, he spoke out against the war, and wasnt afraid to say so. He actually attended a march against the war.

He went to washington and exposed Walter Reed. Remember that, he was out there telling us what was going in washington. He started the google database, and opened up government, John McCain could have done that, he didn't.

He became the voice of the disaffected. We cannot allow McCain to distract us with a circus sideshow, to me that shows his disrespect for the position and the American people. That's why he is copying Obama's message but he'd better watch out because Obama is coming.

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