My comment on Huffington Post to: "Mike Huckabee Doubles Down On Controversial Kennedy Comments". I saw Huckabee make his comments and I was totally disgusted and turned him off right after he said Obama plan would have sent the Senator home with a pill. I guess in his own twisted mind his comments were a compliment to the Senator, but I felt it was both disrespectful to Senator Kennedy and President Obama.
If we apply the Republican standards for comments I think Mike Huckabee should apologize, because a large group of people are outraged and offended by his comments. I know he will not because the Republicans don't apologize. The Republicans have a habit of seizing upon comments made by Democrats and their supporters, taking one or two words and twisting them to imply something totally different than what was intended by the speaker and demanding an apology.
The crazy thing is they usually get their apology, this has been tested and proven. When John Kerry made his remarks about the troops during his presidential campaign, when they used the Rev. Wright tapes against Obama, when Obama said "bitter and cling to guns", when Obama said the police behaved "stupidly", any little thing they want to take out of context.
The crazy thing is they usually get their apology, this has been tested and proven. When John Kerry made his remarks about the troops during his presidential campaign, when they used the Rev. Wright tapes against Obama, when Obama said "bitter and cling to guns", when Obama said the police behaved "stupidly", any little thing they want to take out of context.
(posted on Huffington Post, below is what I could not post)