I hope the country is taking notes and the Democrats are learning their lesson. Here we are eight years after Bush drove the country and the economy into a toilet, the Republicans are faced with an opportunity to act in a bi-partisan manner what do they do? The expected---they took the opposing position, came up with their own plan and demanded support for their plan. So for everyone that was blaming the tanking economy on Bush here is your proof he did not do it alone, the republican membership was there to rubber stamp his proposal and budgets. Even though the republican way of doing things obviously failed under Reagan and both Bushes, after major losses in both congress and the presidency the Republicans still demand their agenda is the choice of the people. They seem to think the election is only about personalities and not ideas. They don’t get it. As Obama stated the ground has shifted and they have failed to realize it.
What is most significant about the vote on this stimulus package is the obvious, NOT ONE House REPUBLICAN voted for it. I could not help but think about the past eight years. I could not help but think what a different country we would have if the democrats had stood up to Bush and the republicans the way they Repubs and standing firm now. I can’t help but thinking how we would not have Guantanamo or an illegal war against the Iraqi people and pillaging of the American coffers with no-bid contracts. We would not have lost over 4,000 young men and women if the Democrats stood up to the Republicans.