
October 23, 2008

Peggy Noonan Is Jealous Of Obama

I have heard about Peggy Noonan for a very long time. I may have read the Wall Street Journal once so I was not familiar with her views. I understand that she wrote speeches for Ronald Reagan, and I remember how convincing Reagan was.

I am tired of Peggy Noonan talking about how Obama is full of him self and likes to praise himself. She implies Obama is caught up in his own hype. I am beginning to see why Reagan was so convincing because Peggy was there to twist words. In her critique of Senator Obama's statement yesterday "I feel we have a righteous wind at our backs" she says Obama feels its all about him and Reagan would never say that. Reagan, she went on would say (paraphrasing) "there is a righteous wind ushering in our ideas". BullS*%#. She went on to talk about the concern for the cult of personality that was going on, and Reagan would never talk about himself but his ideas. Sure Peggy.

October 8, 2008

John McCain's Fake Outrage Against John Lewis

I too was appalled when hearing McCain demanding Obama repudiates John Lewis statements when he has yet to denounce anything said by himself or Palin, or his supporters. In fact he went on TV and defended those supporters, bringing up veterans, exploiting his military affiliation. Well I reject and denounce McCain’s comments. He has the nerve to say that John Lewis cannot have an opinion, this man was beaten and fought for freedom in the same sense that John McCain did and in John Lewis' case it was the country he loved that was doing the beating. John McCain was overseas so I think John Lewis has a better understanding of what that time was like in this country having been on the forefront. When they ask us to reject people like Rev. Wright and Rep. John Lewis they are asking a portion of the population to deny what happened in this very country at the same time defending the right to Israel to exist and declaring never again. Now I only bring up the Israeli thing to say to whom should America be more responsible and defending to the death?

Please do not interpret this as some rant against Israel it is just to drastically highlight the discrepancy. African Americans have been put in the corner that if they talk about the history of this country that included the tragic periods of slavery and Jim Crow and the civil rights movement they are perceived as complaining or playing the race card and won’t forget the past. The truth is white America played the race card, they decided that brown skin was not good enough; your skin had to be white in order to be considered human and a child of god. All the while African Americans must suffer through substandard standards in our school system, job discrimination, and terrible living conditions. When I canvassed for Obama in Philadelphia I was surprised to see such conditions in the richest country in the world. I could understand why those people felt their vote didn’t count. But then I don’t have to go far to understand that I can just look out my window. The influx of drugs and inactivity.

October 3, 2008

John McCain Is The Most Wonderful, Thoughtful, Bravest Man

I didn’t know skirting around, and showing zero understanding of the issues means qualified to be president. I mean the woman recited from her “memory cards”. I thought Sarah was terrible, she didn’t answer any of the question and the answers she gave were disturbing. All Sarah proved tonight was that she could read and memorize. Being folksy and witty is not an answer to the question. I was not impressed, you have to be more than a pretty face and know how to speak, you should actually know something, and I don’t think she proved that tonight. The most important thing Sarah said tonight was that she agreed with the Cheney philosophy of expanding the role of vice president that bothers me.

Sarah reminded me of an aggressive small dog that is hyper and barks at everything that passes. She was just on the attack and she offered no real solutions. She was not even familiar with John McCain’s record. Seems like all she did to prep for the debate was memorize answers and watch the democratic primary debates, too bad she didn’t come with any facts. The most amusing thing she said was that examining the Bush years was looking backwards towards the past. “You prefaced your whole comment on the Bush years …dog gone it.” Those darn Bush years, which John McCain agreed with George Bush the majority of the time, we should just forget about that. The pesky past. Hilarious!!

The McCain/Palin ticket offers no solutions to any of the questions that face our nation. All they did was trash what the other guys is proposing without putting forth their own vision. I find it to be a very empty ticket that’s only appeal is the celebrity of Sarah.

October 2, 2008

The Flag Pin

I am so moved by the fact that Obama has chosen to wear the "flag pin". I am one that did not feel it necessary for him to prove his patriotism, but I understand that someone gave him that pin and he has worn it ever since. By this little gesture he is doing two things honoring the family that gave him the pin and reaching out to those who feel this gesture is important and could influence their vote. I do not see any other politician wearing the flag pin but Obama has to wear it because he is black, it was as simple as that for me. But I see in this gesture a very thoughtful, caring, decent man.

While the flag had been a caricature of patriotism Obama has managed to restore some of the lost honor. When I think about the so called "rural white voter", I think this is the best gesture he could give them to show he is a true American and truly has the interest of all Americans. We know that many of these voters are also the people who feel Obama may be a Muslim, and doesn't salute the flag, (I don't ever remember saluting the national anthem). By wearing the flag pin he says to those voters he hears their concerns. While he may not get their vote this time around he is representing them in his campaign. Maybe a few might change their minds. I believe the only thing Obama can do is get into office and institute policies that will change these voters lives, and they will overwhelmingly support him in four years.