I was just watching Hillary speak about credit cards and the fact that she thought we should cap impossible interest rates at 30% for credit card companies. Well thirty percent might seem low to Hillary but tell that to the everyday person who is trying to feed a family on a single income. You could feel the gaff in the audience. The idea of a thirty percent cap is terrifying to the people this election is supposed to be about. We need laws that are people friendly, laws that are not only looking out for the corporate interest but for the average person. Hillary cannot win because she is not in touch with the everyday man, her and Bill have lived privilege life and in a bubble their entire political career.
Here are the talking points:
1. With all of the experience Hillary talks about how come she did not know that George Bush was lying (yes lying, it's time someone said it, we are all thinking it) when he took this country to war? Shouldn't she have picked up the phone and called someone to get confirmation as to whether or not Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Shouldn't she have shown more support for the UN report that showed Saddam had dismantled his nuclear weapons program? The reason that this is a huge issue is because people DIED behind this disastrous decision that the Clintons are now trying to write off as just a faux pas. She should not be trusted with the economy because it is obvious that she has sold out to big corporations and will probably have an economic policy similar to her husband and George Bush Two. Big tax cuts for corporations.
2. We don't want anything less than complete universal Healthcare. Pay our doctors a descent and fair wage and let healthcare be a fundamental right of the American people. People should not have to pay for basic or preventative healthcare. A tooth cleaning, yearly checkup, treatment of common cold or flu, minor cuts and breaks, or illness screening should not become burdens for corporations or regular citizens. This is why we pay taxes! This will help in ending poverty.