Oh yes they've killed a Black Man
Not just any but a native Afrikan
Oh yes they've shown they are true Blue
a slaughter by authority, Police who are supposed to protect you
He they say looked like a suspect
Here they show their lack of respect
Does every Black Man have to fit their profile
let us think on this for a while
Oh mother, they've taken your son
We pray he is not the only one
Oh father what should a village do?
Avenge a son, or let god handle this one
For in their scale justice is line with enamel and steel
and there is no impression of a fair deal.
Oh yes, they've killed a Black Man
---by the Pollitikat © 1999
This poem was written in response to the shooting of 24 year old Amadou Diallo, who was killed after being shot 19 times by four police officers in the Bronx, on Feb. 4, 1999. Here the officer said they thought Diallo was reaching for a gun when he put his hands in his pocket and fired a total of 41 rounds. The gun turned out to be his wallet, which he was taking out to show officer his identification. Officers shot Amadou as he was standing in his vestibule. These officers were found not guilty.
I am writing this because of the incidents that took place in November 25, of 2006 early in the morning in the midst of a family celebration. Once again we seem to have trigger happy officers over reacting in a situation that should have been easily controllable. Five people held a gun on three people sitting in a car. How many times are we going to accept the "I thought I saw a gun defense?" Shouldn't an officer be sure he sees a gun before he starts shooting at someone. I am disturbed whenever I hear police saying their lives are at risk. Would someone please remind them that police officers chose to be police officers. No one is forcing them. They could just as easy get a job doing something else. By choosing to be an officer they volunteer their lives in service. Also they get extensive training to think and work in situations of extreme pressure, I know they are not just given a gun and turned onto the streets.